New issue needing help

Started by dnelson, July 15, 2010, 10:27:29 AM

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Why should I use STEP?  ???

The new *. bip file/ Export works great, different from what you say.


Quote from: Ralf-S on July 19, 2010, 01:29:41 PM
Why should I use STEP?  ???

The new *. bip file/ Export works great, different from what you say.

Just so what you see what rendering issues occur with the STEP file vs BIP.  The BIP worked great in my smaller files or single parts,  But I have a huge file, with many parts & many assemblies embedded.  When I export that to BIP, no apparent issue, when i import that BIP into keyshot 2, parsing error.

I don't know if Alibre created the BIP correctly, or if KeyShot has an import issue with files that size...  or the much worse issue, my computer has hardware issues, but i doubt it's that.



Yes, I will try to help but I need the assembly.
If you want, you can send me your file. (...have send my e-mail )

Or you can send a support incident in your personal Alibre customer account.  


QuoteThe last 5 times i tried on line "live" support the was no rep on the other end.  I don't even bother now.  As far as email, I've only emailed for billing questions.  Because I've found in the past it takes too long to get responses by email, technical or otherwise, and usually I don't have time to wait on a response for technical help, If live support is down, I go to web for faq's and forums, or try to fix the problem myself, or try 30 other ways to do the same thing till one works.

In the future if you are having trouble please simply call us.

There is nothing that can be done about the STP issue on short order - unless you want to modify your part. This is a known issue with file translation and is typically caused by a fillet or geometry coming together in a weird way. It's a limitation of file translation. This is why using the native BIP export is the best option. If you have a BIP file that is failing, then we need to analyze it. If you are willing to upload your BIP file with the parse error, please let Support know and they will provide you with an FTP location to do so.


Well, I tried getting support. 

Alibre took my files, sent them to a Germany Reseller.  He did in fact fix my BIP so it rendered correctly. 

However, he did not tell me why it wasn't working, what error he found, how he fixed it, how i could prevent future errors.  All he said was I designed my parts horribly, and that's why it wouldn't work.  Nice huh?

Well lets just say for spits and giggles that I did do a horrible job.  How is telling me that and nothing else considered support?

I'm a self taught alibre user, never used any other cad program, I admit I am still a novice at some things.  But teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.  Myself, I eat for a day I guess.

So, I give, even though I bought the alibre upgrade to get the program, (just to be told I have to pay again to upgrade to 2.0 in 2-3 weeks time...), I won't be buying the program.  Great concept tho.  Thanx to those who tried to help.


Sorry to hear you had that experience. It's not a normal one. Email me personally: - I will get your file, get with KeyShot, and we will figure out why the issue is happening. It's possible the fix is outside of Alibre Design or KeyShot, for example using a different mesh program to modify the model to where it works for whatever reason. Regardless, we will investigate it.