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Measure glass

Started by Georg Malm, July 19, 2013, 03:54:06 PM

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Georg Malm

Please help.
Need to put measure bumping on measure tube.
How to make it appear properly?
It is only normal cylinder.
Can't get it appear..


You are using a .PNG with transparency as a bump map, KS apparently does not like that...

Convert your .PNG to a .JPG and all will be fine... I also gaussian blurred the map by 1.3 pixels and you get a nice smooth bevelled bump.

Here is what I ended up with, had to set the mapping up from scratch as it was missing from your file as you didn't save a KS package

Set the bump to .65 and it looked ok to me, hope this helps - if you need my file let me know



You can use a png with transparency as bump map without any problems.


I'd like to point out Thomas, that with greatest of respect, that's not strictly true...

Some tests to follow...


OK... here are the bump maps used in these tests :

A 400x400 JPG with a solid white background and a .PNG with 24bit transparency (white knocked out)


The first screenshot is rendered using the JPG with Bump Height set to 1

The second screenshot is rendered using the PNG with Bump Height set to 1

The third screenshot is rendered using the PNG with the Bump Height ramped up to 10

As you can see Thomas, using a transparent .PNG means you've got to increase the Bump Scale by a factor of 10 to get the same result as the .JPG

N.B. On the JPG render, the square seam appears because of the quick and dirty mapping type used, if the cube was UV mapped this wouldn't show



People..... Get 'crazy bump' and output a normal map! The results are so much better, and you don't get the square seam edge. It's adds 3 minutes to your work flow, but well worth it.



Hey Edwardo - I use Crazy Bump all the time, but more for displacement maps if I don't paint them myself...

But to be honest, I avoid bump maps like the plague, I prefer to model detail - I only tend to use them for scratch and damage work but at an almost non-existent bump height...

I was simply pointing something out here  ;)



Yea, modelling every detail is the way to do it, if possible. Crazy bump is great for free though


Metal Master - We will look into it.

Georg Malm

Quote from: Thomas Teger on July 20, 2013, 09:05:46 AM
You can use a png with transparency as bump map without any problems.
Fair enough, Thomas.
But could you share a solution for my case.


All you need to do is increase the bump height when using the PNG as Metal Master suggested.


Quote from: The Metal Master on July 20, 2013, 08:33:29 AM
You are using a .PNG with transparency as a bump map, KS apparently does not like that...

Convert your .PNG to a .JPG and all will be fine... I also gaussian blurred the map by 1.3 pixels and you get a nice smooth bevelled bump.

Here is what I ended up with, had to set the mapping up from scratch as it was missing from your file as you didn't save a KS package

Set the bump to .65 and it looked ok to me, hope this helps - if you need my file let me know


I got it working using the png as a label but there's no way I could use it as a bump map and get it to look anything like your excellent image.
I'd certainly appreciate a look at your BIP file if you're happy to share it. I'd like to learn how to achieve that effect.
Many thanks.


No problem Jhiker - but I cannot share the HDR image used in those renders unfortunately

So if what you're after is the 'lighting' part of the render, you're out of luck ;)



Thanks, but I'm not interested in the lighting - more the application of the bump map.
Want me to PM you?