Started by WILLIAM-BOYCE, July 29, 2013, 05:05:37 PM

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I need to do some renders at 872px x 400px. What resolution, print size and dpi do i need to set in my render settings?



Eh? Sorry I'm a bit confused by your question (but remember being a little confused by all this dpi stuff back in the day).

Just go the the 'settings' tab in the project folder and type in your width and height sizes (in pixels)

.....so 872 x 400

When you render out your images they will be 872x400 pixels and you can alter the print size and dpi at will in the render options window. You'll notice that print size and dpi correlate with one another (the higher the dpi, the smaller the print size and vice versa)

But at the end of the day your images will always be 872x400 pixels, which is all you need to worry about really

Hope that sort of clears things up.