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White spot with lights

Started by BenG075, October 15, 2013, 10:41:34 AM

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Has this been resolved yet?

It's been over 6 months since the original post and I'm still having these issues.

I'm running version 4.3.18

I'm making an interior mall render for an architectural client and have no option but to use area and diffuse lighting for certain areas.


We have improved things in KeyShot 5. If you want to test your scene with version 5 please contact


I am having the same issues. Any resolution to this problem yet? When it does get fixed, will we be charged for the upgrade?


I still seem to be getting this problem even with Keyshot 5 (version 5.0.99).

On objects with zero roughness there is no problem but as the roughness is increased, the white speckles seem to get worse. Initially I thought that the render just needed to 'res up' but the problem actually seems to get worse the longer you leave it in realtime render mode. The spots are also there when you render out an image.

See the rail in the attached image for an example of the problem.

Does anyone know of a solution?


Quote from: lhopcroft on July 28, 2014, 01:44:19 AM
I still seem to be getting this problem even with Keyshot 5 (version 5.0.99).

On objects with zero roughness there is no problem but as the roughness is increased, the white speckles seem to get worse. Initially I thought that the render just needed to 'res up' but the problem actually seems to get worse the longer you leave it in realtime render mode. The spots are also there when you render out an image.

See the rail in the attached image for an example of the problem.

Does anyone know of a solution?

What render mode are you using?

Please try to increase the individual material samples for both the parts that are showing specks as well as the light materials. The samples slider can be found under roughness or advanced in the materials properties tab.

Let me know if this helps.



Rex, thanks for the reply.

I've been having the same problem in another scene that I have been experimenting with, a train interior. I initially used a paint material set to zero roughness but decided that the material looked more realistic with a slightly rough setting (0.1). There was no slider to up the samples on the "paint" material so I increased overall samples a few times and rendered out the images. Even at 128 samples there were white speckles (I was initially rendering at 32 samples) although the problem was less harsh the render time obviously increased.

I then tried changing the paint and other rough materials to "advanced" and setting the glossy samples for the rough materials to 128 whilst keeping the overall samples at 16 as it reccommends in the manual but still getting the same problem. Do these numbers seem realistic or should I just increase samples even more until the problem is solved and live with the increased render time?



You can find the samples slider for paint by clicking the black triangle next to "Roughness".

Did you try to increase the samples of the light materials?

here's a video we just put together about samples:


I'm having the same issue with Keyshot 5 Pro. White dots will appear all over my renders. I'm using a lot of plastic & metal materials with roughness samples between 8-12. I'm using HDR Light Studio to generate the hdri I'm using to light the scene. The odd thing is, I've had successful renders a day ago, since then I've adjusted some of my diffuse/bump textures and now I have this issue (most materials were untouched). I'm perplexed and hope a solution is still being worked on.

I'm sorry, but I cannot provide any files/screenshots because I'm working with confidential information. Please let me know if there's any further information I can provide that would be helpful.



Unfortunately, despite two years have passed, this problem of these unpleasant white spots with area lights etc. on glass, paint, brushed metal, are still present on KeyShot 1.5.86 pro, and even if you increase the campinamenti 256 and samples of the materials. Very unpleasant and you can not render the work done with KeyShot if there are these problems unreal.

I hope given much importance and resolve as soon as possible this very serious problem that has lasted for many years
You can not make our work with those points white. Absolutely unreal and ugly.

many thanks

Purtroppo nonostante sono passati 2 anni, questo problema di questi spiacevoli punti bianchi con luci area etc. su vetro, vernici, metallo satinato, sono ancora presenti su keyshot 5.1.86 pro, ed anche se si aumentano i campinamenti a 256 e i campionamenti dei materiali. Molto spiacevole e non è possibile renderizzare il lavoro svolto con keyshot se ci sono questi problemi irreali.

Spero date molta importanza e risolvete al più presto questo problema molto serio che dura da ormai molti anni
Non si possono rendere i nostri lavori con quei punti bianchi. Assolutamente irreali e brutti.

Mille grazie


KeyShot 5 is much better at handling area lights (Area Light Diffuse) and glossy materials (such as rough metal) than KeyShot 4. There can be situations where the sampling still gives noise. In this case it is better to use the realtime render mode (max samples mode) to render the image. Depending on the complexity of the lighting setup it may be necessary to use a high number of samples, but the noise will go away eventually. We are continuously improving this, and if you have scenes that are particularly problematic please share them with


I don't see it mentioned in this thread, but the scene units may be a factor as well. Try changing them (Edit > Set Scene Units) to a larger unit for example from mm to cm, *use correlate NOT convert*, which should decrease the power of the lights globally.


Thanks I'll try the suggestions you have given. Hopefully best quality

Grazie proverò con i suggerimenti che avete dato. Speriamo migliori la qualità

Justin Desilva

Windows 7 64
KeyShot 5.2.10
SolidWorks 2013

My renderings were suffering from a similar problem when using the "Area Light 100W Neutral" at 0.00001 watts. (I'm not sure why I have to adjust the watts this low but this will remain a separate discussion.)

Regarding the white spots and pixels, my scenes include a variety of materials and experimenting and modifying each material would require a lot of time and I'm still not certain if "all" white spots would be removed. When experimenting with the illumination settings I discovered turning off "Visible in reflections" removed all white spots from the renderings. This may or may not work for your scenes but it did with mine.


This didn't work for me. I'm using Keyshot6 and still getting white spots. You can see them here on the seats in the car and around the headlights / under the grill:


I had a similar issue recently, mine was pretty much resolved by lowering the bump amount on the parts that were having issues.
