Typing in negative values does nothing

Started by mikalind, March 09, 2014, 10:13:31 PM

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I have tested Keyshot on several macs with maverick to see if the problem was isolated to a machine or to the operative system.
I can't type negative values manually in camera settings or anywhere else, on any mac with Mavericks, i have not tried any other Mac OSX.

When i type in a negative value in a camera setting, the camera either just jump to "zero" or does not react at all.
Easiest way to see this is to try and rotate a camera by typing in "0" to start with, and then "-45"

Can anyone else confirm this problem?

KS 4.3.18 Maverick iMac Late 2013, MBP




Ok, try this.

Open the Keyshot Material ball file.

Type in orbit value "0" in camera settings.
Then try -10, -20, -40 and so on.
Does your Camera respond to those settings?

Because mine does not, not on any of the macs i have tried it on.



It sounds like you are talking about the animation dialog, and yes that still works.


Finally i found a way to reproduce.

I have tested on three independent macs and the issue is on all.
And you don't have the issue.

What is the difference between us? I have Swedish settings on OSX and Keyboard, You have US settings.
When i set my language and keyboard preferences to US and restart my machine, there is no issue.

So there is simply a bug when using Swedish (and perhaps other) Language settings then US.

Would be great with a bug fix : )


Morten Kristensen

Quote from: mikalind on March 11, 2014, 01:24:30 AM
So there is simply a bug when using Swedish (and perhaps other) Language settings then US.

I have tested on OSX 10.8 and 10.9 with Danish language/keyboard settings and there are no issues. The language itself does not mean anything for the "-" character (ASCII dec 45) because they are the same.

However, when you input the values what do you see? Does it input "-30" etc. and then the program does not react when you hit enter or when focus leaves the control? Also perhaps you could send me your KeyShot log file here (Help menu -> Log)?

Thank you



I tried to set my computer language (not keyboard) to Danish and that didn't show the issue.
Have you tried to set your Computer language to Swedish?

Because when i do the issue is there again.

And what i mean is when i from camera settings manually set negative values from keyboard, Azimuth or anything else the camera simply does not react.
When i do the same when the computer language is set to Danish or US the problem is gone, then the camera moves on manually set negative values.


Morten Kristensen

Hi again,

So I tried with Swedish keyboard layout and I didn't have any issues.

Please send me the KeyShot log file so I can see if anything is amiss.



Hi again
Not keyboard layout, you have to set computer language.
You have to set "Language&Region" in System preferences and restart the computer.

Try Swedish there.

I will send you the log. What email adress?



When i hit "log" i get this:

(15:45:32) Could not open  "/Library/Application Support/KeyShot3/keyshot3.xml"  for reading.


Morten Kristensen

Hi Mikael,

I switched to Svenska region Sverige and restarted the computer. But everything worked as it is supposed to still.
So it's not about the language in particular but something else.

Disregard that line in the log file.



The log is in PM for you.

Ok, so its not the Region settings, but its still a fact that when i change the region to something other then swedish, it works just fine.
If you want i can set up a GoToMeeting so that i can show you live?


Morten Kristensen

No you sent me your configuration file and it is looking fine.
Send me your log file, please.

No thanks, but you can record the session and post me a link if you want to.




Then there are nothing in the log since that message is all there is in the log window, and its marked yellow.


Morten Kristensen

Thanks for sending the video. It does look extremely weird. I suspected that the decoding of the string to float using the system locale might be the culprit, but it isn't since you don't use "." instead of "," and it works fine when using the sliders.

Just to be certain: you have tried hitting enter in the fields, right?