Importing Rhino file into keyshot

Started by cw450, October 12, 2010, 04:49:06 AM

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I'm am a new user to keyshot 2 and I'm trying to import a rhino file into keyshot. The file imports with no problem, but when I try to add materials to one object, it applies it to 2. It's almost like the 2 unrelated parts are grouped together. Even when I try to hide one of the objects, both hide. Some parts are not even near each other and the same thing occurs. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I was thinking that it has to deal with the rhino file...? All of my objects are not grouped together in rhino because they have to have separate materials for the particular piece, and some parts are separated by layers. Does each object have to be on separate layers or grouped? I'm not sure what to do. Any help would be great.


Did you sort "components" (Rhino solids) by Layers ?
KS apply the same material to all objects from a layer. So, the best way is to sort object by layer before exporting to KS. Basic rule = one layer = one material

If objects have specific material assigned into Rhino (not "by layer"), and material are unnamed, you have to assign KS material object by object. Otherwise you can name the material into Rhino. In this case, the material name is used by Keyshot and appears in the scene tree.

Note that some plugins like RhinoGolg don't use layer but assign material as property to each object. In this case it's better to select all object and set "material = by layer" to object before exporting.


Hey Arnaud .. same concern as cw450.
well, i had two different rhino files..well detailed surface models. got them both into one file by importing / inserting data and sorted all the different parts by different layers , double checked that.
Now, even after putting them in separate layers the same problem occurs.. and this is first time happening with me, i mean my first this kind of experience in Keyshot.

any suggestion you guys might want to give. Like any export-import option or anything for that matter.

Thanks guys :)


- when you inserted / imported the object did you use "block instance" or "individual object" ?
- Try to reset all material object properties to "by layer"

Could you share the model ?


Hey Arnaud,
thanks for the quick reply man. I shall do / cross check the same you suggested and let you know. unfortunately can do this only after few hours. But surely shall update you.

I shall share the model too.

thanks again man :)


regarding "Insert" options, I didn't test all options with Keyshot, but it maybe better to check "individual object" instead of "block instance"


hey  Arnaud..
thanks for the "insert individual object" tip man.. worked.. although keyshot was taking in the geometry in separate layer as in rhino..but few fined tuned/detailed parts it wasnt taking at all. and importing the same in IGES format was tearing the surfaces in keyshot.. finally 3DS file it took.. now i see there's some weird surfaces keyshot showing which i couldn't see otherwise in rhino..

oh .. I'm uploading the rhino file n a screen from keyshot so you could check.

thanks man. have a great day :)


The defect is a typical problem due to tesselation. Change mesh parameters in Rhino options.
I tried with "smooth & slower" and got smooth results into keyshot (using Rhino plugin)

More infos about mesh custom parameters here :

You can also put on one layer all the objects with the same material.


Thanks for the quick reply Arnaud,
well, I understand the mesh problem in rhino and i keep settings most of the time like snapshot i have attached along with here.

Well, shall do the changes along with mesh properties and ll update you. although i think i tried that also and didn't quite get the results.

But shall let you know ASAP.

Thanks again man :)


Quote from: Arnaud on June 09, 2011, 12:10:28 AM
The defect is a typical problem due to tesselation. Change mesh parameters in Rhino options.
I tried with "smooth & slower" and got smooth results into keyshot (using Rhino plugin)

More infos about mesh custom parameters here :

You can also put on one layer all the objects with the same material.

Am sorry to say Arnaud that this trick didn't quite work :( changing the mesh parameters.. well, when i did change the mesh parameters n imported the rhino file to Keyshot, surprisingly only both chairs were visible, other parts didn;t even come in keyshot. and when i exported the 3DS file from rhino, same bad modeled part came, even after changing the mesh settings :(

Well, funnily this problem didn't occur with the same model when i rendered that in hypershot long back :|


Below is the scene I got in Rhino (Rhino 4 SR9) with your model and the same in Keyshot (2.2.65) just after calling the _Keyshot command (Rhino plugin installed). Just applied a black chrome on the chair to show that tesselation is OK.

>>when i exported the 3DS file from rhino, same bad modeled part came, even after changing the mesh settings
Sounds like a problem with your mesh settings in 3DS export . Try to go in detailled setting to adjust mesh before writing the .3DS file
See what I got using default values (slider in the middle).
Because the preview is not always easy to inspect, very often I manually create mesh (Mesh > From Nurbs Object) and hide Nurbs before making export


Try using these mesh settings in Rhino instead of Smooth. I have my students use this settings all the time and it works great. If you are converting Nurbs to mesh in Rhino (or exporting a 3DS file) use the same setting too.


Yes, custom settings are better. But be careful on large scenes ! In this case your setting "maximum distance edge to surface" = 0.01 (mm) create more than 1 million polygons !


You've always got to be careful, but I've been using this setting for years now on VERY complicated large assemblies that came from Pro/E, Solidworks, into Rhino for more editing, then out to Keyshot (previously Hypershot) and have never had a single problem with the files being too large to work with.


Hey Arnaud, Thanks for all these tips man.. and i figured out where exactly the problem were.
Well, when i was importing rhino file into Keyshot and only few parts were coming. The reason being I was not meshing the files in Rhino, I was keeping them as a wire frame only as rendering mesh were taking too much of time on my machine. And Keyshot does take only those objects which has been meshed in rhino, seems like Keyshot does not has a mesher of its own (?)

problem solved ::)

@Robb - Robb, that tip on customizing the mesh setting is great, only it took Keyshot ages once i put those settings n exported rhino into a 3DS file :) but I shall keep that in mind next time i get into any problem.

Thanks guys :) Have a great day