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Evolving Anti-Gear...

Started by TyRuben, June 26, 2016, 10:24:10 AM

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Greetings Colleagues,

Though I have had Keyshot for a going on two years now, I've only scratch the surface of its capabilities. For the most part, I pull in models comprised of just a couple of materials, mess with the environment settings a little bit, and then hit render.

Of course, this gets the job done — the renders always look great — but this summer I thought I'd dig a deeper into the program and evolve my understandings.

This then is my first investigation in which I focused on working with materials textures, paying greater attention to the HDRI environment, and creating labels and placing them accurately on the model.

If any of you would care to provide guidance, advice, or critique of any kind, that would be very appreciated.

Rage on,


Well this is a great start ! Everything is lit, all the materials have nice contrast and nothing is lost. If you want to keep pushing even more, this model seems to be perfect for making some closeups. You can show different details, the display, etc. Great work.


Hi Ty! Great to see your work. Really interesting look and I think it already looks really good. Some details shots with some DOF would be good practice for texture and lighting. Look forward to seeing more!


@> NM-92 — Thank you — and that's a nice idea about doing some tighter shots.

@> Josh Mings — Thank you — I've not messed around with Depth of Field — so will look into exploring that.

One thing I'd like to push further is that small illuminated screen on the upper right side of the component — I think it looks alright from this distance — however, would like to be able to do a convincing close up.

Rage on,


Greetings Colleagues,

With these renders, I was working to get that old "orange peel" paint look one finds on big steel parts. I ended up using the procedural noise texture. Is there a better way?

Rage on,


I would say you have a good Hammerite Smooth Paint finish there since i can't get a sense of scale from the image. Back in version 3 i think it was there was a really good orange peel normals map, I have not checked if it's been added to the KS cloud - Might be worth checking though just in case.



Martin -- Cool -- thank you -- I'll look into this -- !

Chad Holton

Hi Ty,

Thanks for sharing your work. Here's the orange peel texture Martin mentioned, in case you haven't found it, and a quick shot of how it looks on the material ball. 

Let us know if you have any other questions at all.



Thanks for adding it here Chad :)



nice bump Chad  ;)
but it's curious to want to put an orange peel texture on plastic ?

Chad Holton

No problem, Martin! I think this bump was included on a few version, maybe as far back as the  HyperShot days.

@ Finema - go for it!   ;D


@> Chad Holton — Thank you for sharing that normal map — it's a good bit closer to what I had in mind.

Chad Holton



Quick and simple study -- materials and bump label.

Rage on,



Part of a larger endeavor.

Modeled in SketchUp.

Rage on,