why animation each frame take so long to render.

Started by rfollett, February 12, 2022, 03:02:46 AM

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so I am working with GPU & denoise.

if I let the render res up it takes 6s to get to 256 samples...

If I setup a simple 360 animation and render then each frame takes 40s to render - why if it can do it in 6s in real time does it take so much longer in an animation?



Do you have the render settings for the animation set to "use realtime"?


yes I do - is that correct?



i have created 2 simple movies



you can see in realtime it res up very quickly but when I render animation each frame takes much longer


Really not sure sorry. Only thing perhaps is you have the animation output set to frames and video, so Keyshot needs to save the frames and video out. Doing the realtime in window view live, you are not saving the frame so not including that time taken. Depending on where you are saving to, it might slow the process? Generally if I'm doing animations I just save frames then create the video in Premier or another video editor. Try turning off the video checkbox and just leave frames checked and see if that has any effect.


Quote from: quigley on February 14, 2022, 04:29:52 PM
Really not sure sorry. Only thing perhaps is you have the animation output set to frames and video, so Keyshot needs to save the frames and video out. Doing the realtime in window view live, you are not saving the frame so not including that time taken. Depending on where you are saving to, it might slow the process? Generally if I'm doing animations I just save frames then create the video in Premier or another video editor. Try turning off the video checkbox and just leave frames checked and see if that has any effect.

This has been inquired about before, and it shouldn't be too much of a added process, as the internal renderer will in fact render the frames first then after the render is complete kludge them all together into a video as a post process. The real negative here is if you don't choose to render the frames., and just the video. This shouldn't even be allowed :)

This is all dumb basic stuff, but needs to be asked-
1) make sure live window is paused during render (unless network rendering, then it doesn't matter)
2) make sure the destinations are the same, I know mine will take longer to render when saving over the network
3) resolution is the same in both renders, for some reason the image size can change randomly
4) denoise is turned off, KS doesn't do a great job at it anyway
5) is there any motion blur?
6) curious, since I don't use GPU rendering, do  you get the same discrepancy if you use CPU rendering?

all I can think of other than packing it up and sending in a ticket to support, as they like to know about this sort of thing.


I would take a wild guess and say that your textures might be huge, and your objects are are unnecessary too high detail. You can see that the rendering itself is still around 8 seconds (even though the realtime and output resolutions are not the same - but they are close, so it is not big impact on the speed)

If you check your second video, you can see that it takes the most time on GPU Geometry Setup, and Load GPU materials steps... The saving of the files is pretty fast, so I don't think it is due to your slow HDD or network drive (which is visible you are not using).

Also, the option of saving frames and video at the same time shouldn't affect the time per frame, as the video is composed out of frames in the end of the rendering.
And, it can't be any of the Image styles options (like denoise, blur, bloom) as you can see in the same video that applying image styles takes about 1 second or so.

You always need to account for a bit more time per frame when comparing just one image to an animation, but that said, your case does look a bit longer than it should, so like I said, I'd look into checking geometry if it can be optimized, and check all the textures you might be using in your materials. For instance, just apply gray material to all objects and see if the Load GPU materials step is any faster... that will eliminate the textures theory.


Niko Planke


I can see many potential causes in the posts above, but have a hard time confirming any without knowing the scene.

From what i can see the issue seems to arise from the setup  of the GPU materials for the frames(based on your videos).

Based on that observation, you might get faster render times in CPU mode(for your scene interior mode should work best) as a workaround.

Note: CPU samples do not directly translate to GPU samples. So even though you can render more samples faster on the GPU, that does not in all cases mean you will get better results.

I can also see you are using KS 10.2, we have done some optimizations in this regard in KeyShot 11.
For now i would suggest to try this in KeyShot 11(the trial should be sufficient for troubleshooting).

If the issue persists contact support@luxion.com to make sure the issue is tracked in our system.
As far as possible also provide them with a sample scene and reproduction steps.

I hope we can find the cause and improve this.

Best regards